
Technology Roadmapping for Quantum Computing

Workshop #33 at IEEE Quantum Week 2023

  • Session 1 — 10:00–11:30 (PDT, GMT-7) — Roadmap for Superconducting QC
  • Session 2 — 13:00–14:30 (PDT, GMT-7) — Roadmap for Ion Trap QC
  • Session 3 — 15:15–16:45 (PDT, GMT-7) — Roadmaps for Other QC Approaches

Summary: See how others are planning a path to fully error-corrected quantum computing and provide input on what needs to happen and by when. The experience will be valuable to anyone involved in technology planning, research and development management, or interested in the big picture

Abstract: Technology roadmapping helped the semiconductor community to successfully coordinate research and development efforts for over two decades. The IEEE International Roadmap for Devices and Systems (IRDS) uses an updated roadmapping process driven both bottom-up by devices and top-down by systems application requirements. The IRDS Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum Information Processing (CEQIP) team has been monitoring the status of quantum computing and recently began developing technology roadmaps. Key to the development of roadmaps is identification of technology needs, hard problems, and timelines for development. Each of three workshop sessions will cover one or more approaches to quantum computing: superconducting, ion traps, and other. Each session will feature a short introduction to the roadmapping process, a few presentations, and an interactive roadmapping session

Workshop Program

Session 1 — 10:00–11:30 — Roadmap for Superconducting QC

  • 10:00-10:15      Introduction to the technology roadmapping process
  • 10:15-10:30      Julian Kelly; Director, Quantum Hardware; Google Quantum AI
  • 10:30-10:45      Kaveh Delfanazari, Glasgow University and IRDS
  • 10:45-11:00      Jon Felbinger; Deputy Director, Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C); SRI and
    Setso Metodi; Chair of the SRI Quantum Technology Manufacturing Roadmap (QTMR) Testbeds Working Group; SNL
  • 11:00-11:30      Interactive roadmapping session

Session 2 — 13:00-14:30 — Roadmap for Ion Trap QC

  • 13:00-13:15      Introduction to the technology roadmapping process
  • 13:15-13:30      John Gamble; Director System Architecture and Performance; IonQ
  • 13:30-13.45      Patty Lee; Chief Scientist, Technology Development; Quantinuum
  • 13:45-14:00      Jon Felbinger; Deputy Director, Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C); SRI and
    Setso Metodi; Chair of the SRI Quantum Technology Manufacturing Roadmap (QTMR) Testbeds Working Group; SNL
  • 14:00-14:30      Interactive roadmapping session

Session 3 — 15:15-16:45 — Roadmaps for Other QC Approaches

  • 15:15-15:30      Introduction to the technology roadmapping process
  • Photonic Quantum Computing Roadmap
  • 15.30-15:50      Jon Felbinger; Deputy Director, Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C); SRI and
    Setso Metodi; Chair of the SRI Quantum Technology Manufacturing Roadmap (QTMR) Testbeds Working Group; SNL
  • 15:50-16:10 Interactive roadmapping session
  • Spin Quantum Computing Roadmap
  • 16:10-16:30      Jon Felbinger; Deputy Director, Quantum Economic Development Consortium (QED-C); SRI and
    Setso Metodi; Chair of the SRI Quantum Technology Manufacturing Roadmap (QTMR) Testbeds Working Group; SNL
  • 16:30-16:45      Interactive roadmapping session

Presentation information:

  • Length: 13 minutes + 2 minutes for questions
  • Presentations will be recorded, but will only be available to registered conference participants for a limited time (1-2 months) after the meeting.
  • Guidance:
    • Assume that participants have some knowledge of your approach to quantum computing. A 1-slide overview should be sufficient.
    • Focus on technology needs and timelines. This is an opportunity to show what your team is working on as well as what you would like others to do and by when.
    • An example presentation by the IRDS CEQIP team can be provided, if you are interested.